Exploring the notion of language crisis in the context of global
Nikolay Golovko1,*
1North Caucasus
Federal University, Institute of Humanities, 355009 1 Pushkin street,
Stavropol, Russian Federation
Abstract. The concepts of language crisis and communication
crisis are analysed across publications in the areas of philosophy, mass
communication, and linguistics within the timeframe of recent 5 years. Actual
approaches to the interpretation of these notions, suggested by researchers in
Russian Federation and worldwide, are reviewed, and the ongoing processes that
occur in languages and in communication in general are studied in their
relation with the context of changing world order. Following the methodology of
synergetics, the world order is represented as a non-linear dynamic system that
is currently in search of its new equilibrium point and is approaching the
state typically referred to as multipolarity.
1 Background
Multipolarity has begun being regarded as a
property of the modern world within the geopolitical framework of the latest
decade. The twentieth century was more or less characterized by bipolar status
quo, with various states or blocs replacing each other in the positions of
domination towards the rest of the world while generally maintaining the
balance of power between two certain centres where financial, industrial, and
creative forces would concentrate. In the last decade of the 20th century,
following the deconstruction of the Soviet Union, the geopolitical system had
shifted in the direction which tends to be attributed as monopolar, with the
collective West, typically perceived as the United States and their allies,
occupying the position of the power capable of defining the features of the
world’s future. Certain opinion leaders and politicians have argued against
this perception, referring to it as “illusion” if we consider examples [1], but it appears relatively safe to declare that common consensus
agreed with the domineering role of the Western culture and civilization at the
moment described.
However, in the light
of the recent increase of importance and influence of the South Eastern Asia
region, as well as of the ongoing rehabilitation of Russia as a political and
economic subject, voices have been raised in support of the idea that
articulates the formation of the multipolar world order, where the previously
dominating force of the United States and their associates is regarded as the
competitor for emerging power centres typically associated with China and
Russian Federation. A complex web of Eurasian-scale infrastructural projects,
economic relationships, and cultural exchange is being established, aimed at
reshaping the traditional geopolitical landscape and incorporating traditional
representatives of the collective West, such as the European Union or
Australia, into the area of influence of the aforementioned emerging centres.
It is natural that global changes, be they expected or factual, do not fail to
attract the attention of miscellaneous researchers who attempt to describe the
situation and predict its further development. It is also natural that
importance of philosophical interpretation of this new geopolitical formation
is being recognized.
Due to the fact that
Russia is claiming to occupy one of the central positions in this newly nascent
world order, it comes as no surprise that Russian thinkers and opinion leaders
displayed considerable initiative in researching the matters under discussion.
In the wake of Alexander Dugin’s fundamental work [2], dedicated to analysing
the actual situation through the scope of philosophical methodology, an amount
of further research efforts has followed, from which a substantial paper by
philosopher Valery Kashirin [3] could be singled out. This paper represents
particular interest for us and our own scientific activities through its
connection with synergetics, which is frequently regarded as the possible
evolutionary form of philosophy and the new interdisciplinary science that can
constitute the basics for the next scientific interpretation of the world, or world picture, commonly referred to as post-non-classical science in Russia, as
well as with linguistics; we have been monitoring new insights into
implementation of synergetic methodology in linguistic studies, and it has
become our belief that further discussion of certain ideas mentioned in Valery
Kashirin’s paper could be rather productive, both in terms of philosophy and language
The considerations we
have been interested in can be summarized in the following way: Valery Kashirin
suggests to regard the world order as a self-organizing system where the
equilibrium point, otherwise referred to as attractor, is represented by the
triangular construction of the multipolar geopolitical situation. The
philosopher argues that any attempts to establish a monopolar or bipolar world
order destabilizes the entire system and increases the amount of entropy in it,
consequently moving it further away from the equilibrium and increasing the
risk of its complete destruction. However, any self-organizing system is
constantly being attracted to its equilibrium point; thus, the world order will
constantly be attempting to return to its multipolar state, which is in a
certain way natural for it, and due to this same reason, a monopolar or bipolar
construction will not be able to survive in a long-term perspective. Also, in
accord with this interpretation, the triangular system is characterized by
fractal nature, so that its macrostructure is formed by repetition of similar
microstructures, and the development of the system in general is guided by
similar processes occurring on a lower scale within it. In addition, Valery
Kashirin identifies the peculiar role of the language in the process of
formation and development of the world’s geopolitical system, representing it
as the interactivity of mass language
(i.e. language of the people) and power
language (i.e. language of the government) that creates a higher-level
macrostructure referred to as language of
the time. In these concepts, we find certain correlations with our own
research efforts: our idea of development of new meanings in monosemantic words
acting as the driving force behind the movement of the language as a
self-organizing system towards its equilibrium point where its entire
vocabulary will be polysemantic, could be regarded as the lower-level fractal
iteration of Valery Kashirin’s idea of the language in general acting as the driving
force behind the evolution of the world order towards its super attractor condition of height
of time, understood as harmonious coexistence of all primary political and
regional forces and unification of their efforts aimed at achieving flourishing
and prosperity of the entire human kind.
Nevertheless, Valery
Kashirin believes that the formation of the new multipolar world order is being
performed under the circumstances of a language crisis, where neither mass
language nor power language are able to perform their functions properly. This
is the subject that we are determined to explore in this paper.
2 Methods and Materials
To achieve the objectives of this paper,
the application of general scientific methods of comparison, analysis and
synthesis was sufficient. It was our intention to explore various approaches to
the interpretation of language crisis, that could be found in Russian and
foreign researches. In accord with the timespan of the new multipolar world
discourse, as well as with the general principle of selection of sources
through the lens of their relevance for a subject that has made a recent
appearance in scientific discussions, we have attempted to analyse all papers
that mention the subject under review and that are available in open access
either in Russian Federation or worldwide, within the limits of the latest 5
years. In order to discover the sources in the Russian language, the Russian
Science Citation Index (National Electronic Library of the Russian Federation)
was used; for sources in the English language, Google Scholar service was put
to use.
We have made our
choice in favour of less selective open access databases in connection with our
belief that a relatively new area of scientific discourse might not yet have
gained enough reputation and weight to be admitted to higher-ranking indices. A
wider analysis scope would have enabled us to collect a greater amount of
ideas, including those that might have been exceedingly daring for an
established journal, but could have found their ways to a newer edition that
can afford accepting non-mainstream papers.
However, prior to
selecting certain publications and conducting our analytical and synthetical
procedures, it was regarded by us as a necessary procedure to perform some
speculations in relation with the term we were intending to use as the search
criterion, i.e. language crisis. In
Valery Kashirin’s discourse, this term appears to have been coined intuitively;
this can safely be explained by the fact that the researcher was concentrating
on broader and more complicated topics, and the term under discussion, as well
as ideas immediately related to it, was not in the focus of his attention. For
us, it was of vital importance to have a clear and definite set of terminology,
and following this reasoning, we have decided to look into the term itself
before running actual searches.
3 Discussion
3.1 Terminology
It is more or less obvious that in this
given case the notion of language crisis
should be observed through the perspective of regarding a language as means of
social evolution. Otherwise phrasing, as far as a language is considered as one
of the primary agents that drive the social system towards its centre (or
centres) of stability, the idea of language
crisis appears to be rather evidently designed to describe the malfunction
of a language, the situation where it becomes unable to perform its regulatory
functions properly. We have previously approached this interpretation in the Background section.
Nevertheless, when this term is contemplated
more attentively, it becomes apparent that its content does not entirely
coincide with the interpretation described.
If we choose this
certain formulation (i.e. “language crisis”), then we inevitably expand the
meaning of the notion under exploration through the implication that the
inability of a language to achieve its objectives is conditioned by its inner
malfunction. We would thus presuppose that the language itself has suffered an
amount of damage or lost an amount of its resources; that would interfere with
its operation in the society and prevent people from using it efficiently,
ultimately leading to hindrance of movement along the corresponding axis or trajectory
of the evolution of the world order.
However, languages of
the nations that are participating in the formation of the multipolar world do
not generally appear to display signs that could be associated with fundamental
destructive processes within their systems. Specialists do express minor
concerns in connection with certain changes in said languages, such as
increasing vocabularies of borrowed words or blurring of the borders of the
literary variants as opposed to non-literary words and expressions, but these
changes and these concerns have been accompanying languages for considerable
amounts of time throughout their development and are neither new nor associated
with the multipolar system by any means that we are aware of.
In our opinion, it
will be a more plausible assumption to declare that both existing and potential
decreases in efficiency of using languages to maintain the evolution of the
global society stem from the reduction of people’s linguistic competences
rather than from the malfunction of the languages themselves. In other words, a
language sustains its normal condition, but people lose (or are deprived of)
their abilities to achieve their communicative objectives with it. For example,
the government could make a perfect and competent application of the power language towards its subjects, but
this application might be rendered entirely inefficient due to the inability or
disinclination of these subjects to undergo the influence of this language.
Following these
considerations, we find it more appropriate to speak about communication crisis rather than language crisis. Consequently, we used both terms in our selection
of papers, with the assumption that the meaning associated with the notion
under investigation could probably be expressed by any of them.
3.2 Definitions and approaches
A We will now provide an overview of scientific articles and other
publications that we have selected in accord with our search criteria and
explore the approaches to interpretation of language
crisis, as well as of communication
crisis, in the modern context conditioned by ongoing changes in the global
political landscape. We will briefly characterize the position of each author
in relation with how they are suggesting to understand the notions mentioned above
and offer remarks in cases of necessity.
A significant source
that has to be mentioned prior to other ones is Brian McNair’s Communication
and Political Crisis [4]. This comprehensive study is generally addressing
matters that are neighbouring our areas of interest but are not immediately
overlapping with them; however, it contains several chapters that can be
related with the notions we need to explore, and it is built upon
methodological apparatus that appears to be similar to ideas which we have previously
In particular, this
book is singled out by actual application of terminology associated with
synergetics, as well as of corresponding approaches, to the study of politics,
crises, communications and media. Brian McNair underlines and stresses the
significance and potential utility of using the notion of chaos of communication, leading to the resourceful interpretation
of communication as of a non-linear process that cannot be governed by
traditional means. The author argues that political and economic elites are
increasingly losing control over the usual mechanisms they previously mastered,
and among other symptoms of this process, the loss of control over media is
Within this framework,
development of new means of communication, as well as of wider and easier
access to said means, could be imagined as a kind of entropic process which
destroys the existing state of the system and moves it towards a different
condition; Brian McNair remarks that “elites lose their historic monopoly of
control of the means of cultural production, which shifts to the masses” (p.
69). With this consideration in mind, we could potentially explain the
malfunction of mass language and power language by their juxtaposition,
where masses acquire access to means traditionally associated with language of
the government (and consequently develop a more critical attitude to messages
delivered through these means), while the government is more or less forced to
resort to certain means of the ‘language of the crowd’ in order (or in an
attempt) to ensure that it is heard.
For Brian McNair, a
communication crisis happens mostly as a consequence of a political crisis,
where the political or economic elites are not able to communicate their
actions or decisions properly, or where the representation of certain events in
the media aggravates the situation.
We also find it
appropriate to mention Mark Lloyd and
Lewis A. Friedland’s Communication Crisis in America, and How to
Fix It. In a review of the book, Christopher Ali [5] argues that critical information needs could be
regarded as one of the central concepts of this research. In accord with it,
various communities of the American people can be characterized by said needs,
i.e. reception of accurate and ‘robust’ information, particularly news, on
important subjects and topics becomes a matter of vital significance. Following
this review, it appears that the collective authors of Communication Crisis in America, and How to Fix It believe that
critical information needs should be satisfied through development and
maintenance of a public policy that would determine tactics and strategies for
communication in the democratic society.
It is also apparent
that the researchers allocate a substantial spot in the suggested ecosystem of
information management to local news as opposed to global messages; an
interesting term such as media desert
is introduced to denote locations that are deprived of local news for certain
reasons. In this context, communication crisis is interpreted as a situation
where the existing system of information delivery is overly concentrated around
highly influential ‘commercial media’ and thus prevents the people from
obtaining necessary news and from staying informed in the areas where their
critical information needs reside.
From this point of
view, the society is rather traditionally regarded as the receiver of
information rather than an active participant of the communication processes
that occur between the government and the masses. With a ‘public policy‘ as the
key factor in fixing the
communication crisis, communities would have to expect governmental actions
aimed at regulation of the media market instead of contributing to changes in
this area, or even challenging the elites’ monopoly of access to global
communication channels, as it is pictured in Brian McNair’s book, for instance.
Overall, the notion of
communication crisis is generally
used in publications in the English language whenever their authors face the
need to describe a public person’s or an institution’s failure to deliver
information properly, that is to say, communicate it to the audience in a
correct fashion. Within the limits of the recent 5 years, sources that would
have offered a broader look at the communication crisis as malfunction of
mechanisms that drive the development and evolution of the global social system
were scarce. As far as the term language
crisis is concerned, sources in the English language that we could discover
were unanimously interpreting it as the situation of disappearance of minor
languages conditioned by the expansion of major international languages. Due to
the fact that this problem is not related to the area that we are determined to
explore in this paper, we have made the decision to not mention these sources
in our overview.
We will now proceed to
the sources in the Russian language. These sources are scientific articles
rather than books; due to this reason, they will receive shorter reviews. For
simplicity, the titles of the papers will be given in English.
Chronologically, it is
appropriate to commence the overview with Natalia
Danilevskaya’s The Weakening of
Dialogism as a Manifestation of Mass Communication’s Crisis [6]. This
research paper technically belongs to the year 2012, but it was published on
December 21st and could thus be regarded as being adjacent enough to
the limits of the period that we have defined for our selection. The author
analyses miscellaneous manifestations of what is referred to as ‘weakening of
dialogism’ and represents them as an indicator of a crisis of Russian speech
In this article, an
external interpretation of speech communication crisis, suggested by Russian
linguist Aleksei Chuvakin, is used. Natalia Danilevskaya agrees with this
researcher in his regard on this notion, where it is represented as a
combination of various inabilities of a certain person to perform
speech-related activities. Thus, the idea of communication crisis is downscaled
to the individual level, and larger manifestations of it are attributed to
accumulation of multiple instances of individual actors’ communicative
Natalia Danilevskaya
contributes to this interpretation by declaring that one of the primary
mechanisms behind the communication crisis consists in neglection of the other participant of the communicative
process, be they factual or assumed. The researcher believes that this
‘weakening of dialogism’ will inevitably result not only in misunderstanding
but also in irritation and subsequent aggression of various sectors or members
of a society against each other; however, she underlines that her concerns are
not to be regarded as attempts to foretell the death of the language as means
of communication.
It is also relevant to
mention Dato Barbakadze’s Hugo von Hofmannsthal's Language Crisis in the Context of
Linguistic-Semiotic Ideas of Friedrich Nietzsche [7] in this context.
Despite the fact that this paper considers an isolated case rather than global
tendencies, it remains connected with the area of study that we currently
explore, through the notion of language
crisis. The researcher suggests to interpret it in terms of literature
science and regards it as the loss of a person’s ability to speak and think
about something in a logical fashion; such understanding is evidently rather
similar to Aleksei Chuvakin’s ideas that were presented above during the review
of Natalia Danilevskaya’s paper. Again, the notion of language crisis or communication
crisis is regarded as a low-scale, elementary process. It must be remarked,
however, that for the objectives that Dato Barbakadze pursued in their article,
this interpretation is fully sufficient; the author explains that Hugo von
Hofmannsthal had faced such crisis and had expressed the particular experience
associated with it through the form of a letter written by a fictional
character Lord Philip Chandos and addressed to Francis Bacon. It remains
debatable whether this crisis should also be associated with a mental disorder.
An example of
consideration of related topics in an indirect way is Archaization of Language Discourses in the Period of Socio-Cultural
Crisis by Maria Tyurina [8]. In
accord with the author’s stance on the matter, during the periods of crises in
societies and cultures, speech and communication undergo the process of their
reduction to states and conditions that existed previously, on comparatively
ancient stages of historical development. From the point of view of the
synergetic approach, this situation comes as no surprise due to the fact that a
destabilized system might be expected to deviate towards its nearest
equilibrium state. However, a new situation of balance usually requires less
energy to be achieved, and as a rule, the system stabilizes in a condition that
is still different from its previous states. If we return to Maria Tyurina’s
ideas, then likewise, the archaic values and concepts only serve as temporary
solutions that facilitate the transition of a culture to its new stage of
The author of the
article under review proceeds with the explanation of changes in language that
are associated with such return to previous cultural conditions and relevant
layers of human mentality. ‘Language of the revolution’ is provided as an
example of a new discourse that followed in the wake of Russian October
Revolution in 1917; Maria Tyurina describes it as characterized by a peculiar
split between two power languages
stemming from archaization and modernization alike: the first discourse was, in
the researcher’s opinion, aimed at the masses (i.e. farmers and factory
workers), while the second instance of power
language was directed against the “enemies of the revolution” and bore
traces of violence towards them.
Valeriy Yermakov’s Linguistic Communication and
Language Games in Politics [9] could be compared with the previously
reviewed paper due to the fact that the concept of newspeak is explored in it in connection with the establishment of
the Soviet political regime in Russia. The author attracts the readers’
attention to the statement that formation of a new society could not be
imagined without creation of a ‘new language’ to satisfy its communicative
It should also be
mentioned that in Valeriy Yermakov’s opinion, the power language defines the limits within which the language as the
means of communication and propaganda is able to influence the political
situation and the society in general. Within this framework, the researcher
appears to interpret the notion of ‘language games’ as the attribute of
messages that are intentionally constructed to be indefinite, dubious, or
provoking. It might be declared that such propositions cannot serve as proper
means of communication, as they are created without the normal intention to be
properly and clearly understood; it remains a question, however, whether their
appearance is a consequence or a reason of a communication crisis in politics.
In Irina Nekipelova’s Language Globalization: Inevitability or Necessity? [10] it is
declared that one of the consequences of language globalization would be an anthropological language crisis.
Unfortunately, Irina Nekipelova does not offer a definition for this notion; it
is more or less evident, however, that she links it with the increasing volumes
of languages themselves and of information available to an individual nowadays,
as well as with the inability of a human psychic to process these amounts of
information before its resources would be exhausted. In other words, in the
paper under analysis the notion of language
crisis is associated with insufficiency of human conscience and thinking
for the complex and voluminous task of dealing with large-scale information
streams. It might thus be argued that the inability of individuals to use the mass language and to undergo the
influence of the power language is
partially related to slower development of the human psychic resources compared
to the development of information technologies; in addition, important messages
may be lost in the vast amounts of data that individuals and institutions are
supposed to process.
We consider it
important to emphasize Irina Nekipelova’s idea of inevitability of violations
of literary norms of a language. Following the methodology of synergetics, the
researcher regards these violations as a natural constituent of the evolutionary
process that frames the development of a language and appears to argue that
they are necessary means of avoiding language stagnation. In a number of papers
we reviewed, such violations are represented as signals that indicate the language crisis or the communication crisis, as well as the
possible destruction of the language; however, they remain a driving force
behind language evolution.
Another article that
may be added to this overview is Cultural
Aspects of Changes in Language Environment: Communication Crisis or Excessive
Communication? by Valeriya
Kuznetsova [11]. The author states that the technical progress achieved in
the first decades of the 21st century has resulted in deconstruction
of traditional ways of human communication, particularly through involvement of
the youth in social networking. In the researcher’s opinion, this situation is
manifested in contamination of a language by neologisms coined by miscellaneous
users of the Internet, as well as in separation and artificial solitude of individuals
who become addicted to these new ways of information transmission. It is then
declared in the paper under review that the society is facing a paradox
situation, where a significant number of persons is found in the circumstances
of excessive amounts of communication (i.e. they allocate a considerable amount
of their time and other resources to communicating via social networks and
other similar channels due to being addicted to it), but simultaneously
experience the language crisis.
Valeriya Kuznetsova suggests to regard the development of speech culture as the
possible solution of the problem. Basically, the notions of communication crisis and language crisis are to a certain extent
synonymous in the article analysed: low-quality speech is spreading among
individuals, and due to this reason, even though they communicate a lot, their
communication is not efficient.
In Anna Pryakhina and Nikolay Pryakhin’s Moral and
Value Crisis and Communication in Modern Informational Society [12]
attention is focused on the first part of the title rather than on its second
constituent. Essentially, the authors are concentrating their research efforts
on the analysis of moral and value crisis in the modern Russian environment. In
accord with their reasoning, the traditional mechanisms that ensured proper
transmission of values and other elements of human culture have suffered an
amount of damage during the deconstruction of the Soviet Union and subsequent
decline that was characteristic for Russia during the last decade of the 20th
century. Consequently, as the researchers define it, the younger generations
are lacking necessary reference points in terms of culture, while the older generations
cannot efficiently transmit their values due to their incompatibility with the
“new time”. It should be remarked that the paper we are currently reviewing
uses neither the notion of language
crisis nor the notion of communication
crisis. For the authors, communication is one of the possible ways to
overcome the value crisis, where cultural institutions such as museums or
libraries are being transformed into communication hubs that are able to
deliver cultural reference points to the individuals that are not familiar with
We will complete this
overview by mentioning Temyr Hagurov
and Andrey Ostapenko’s From Crisis in Language to Chaos in Minds:
Language Interventions as Causes of Moral Degradation of the Youth [13].
This article may be related to a number of previously described papers. For
example, it shares some of its concerns with Valeriy Yermakov’s analysis of
‘language games’; it is stressed by the authors that many aspects of human life
where speech has traditionally been of minor importance are being increasingly
reduced to said games resulting in meaningless utterances rather than
reasonable propositions, and the language
crisis is similarly regarded as a matter of political significance rather
than a cultural or aesthetic issue.
The researchers argue
that during the recent decades the Russian language has undergone 5 different
interventions of alien lexical units and, consequently, of alien concepts that
are expressed by these units. Evidently, the transformation of the language,
caused by these interventions, is seen as the language crisis in the paper under review, and this crisis is
described as the influential force that conditions potentially destructive
changes in young minds, which could later be used for various manipulations.
4 Results
In the recent 5 years, the notions of language crisis and communication crisis have not been actively explored. This could
probably be explained by supposition that the researchers have not yet felt the
necessity to redefine and / or reshape these terms in accord with changes which
occur in the world order and in scientific or philosophical thought attempting
to explain said changes. Even though a significant number of authors have been
offering new insights into the nature of new media that have emerged in the
wake of technological progress and active development of the Internet, as well
as into the role that these new means of communication play in the modern
world, the quantity of scientists and philosophers who are trying to generalize
the current trends and advance to a more abstract level of their representation
is still limited. The majority of researchers is concentrating their efforts on
local matters, and it thus comes as no surprise that they regard both language crisis and communication crisis as phenomena of personal level, i.e. as
peculiar mental conditions of isolated individuals who become unable to either
use the language or to communicate properly with other members of their
respective societies.
This interpretation
should not be characterized as incorrect or invalid. Its justification is based on solid reasoning and common
sense. In addition, phenomena of macro level are inevitably comprised of
phenomena of micro level, and it can beyond doubt be stated that multiple cases
of language or communication incompetence will result in a more generic
inability to achieve specified objectives via the use of speech, be it oral or
written, throughout the entire society. Nevertheless, it remains imperative that the notions of language crisis and communication crisis are studied on a more expansive scale and
represented as global processes rather than individual cases.
Precisely speaking,
books and research papers that would analyse language crisis or communication
crisis within the context of global multipolarity have yet to emerge in
considerable numbers. As we have mentioned in the previous parts of this paper,
multipolarity has only recently obtained palpable features, and it is natural
that science and philosophy have not yet fully embraced the importance of its
description. We expect it to be studied in greater detail during the next
decade, unless the world order retreats to one of its previous states.
Overall, even though
human communications are undergoing obvious changes during the recent years,
the impact of these changes is yet to be properly evaluated.
5 Conclusions
We find it possible to derive the following
Assuming the fractal nature of the world order as a non-linear dynamic
system where language is one of the trajectories or driving forces of its
development, evolutionary processes that occur in the language may be regarded
as homeomorphous to processes that occur in the world order.
The situation of decreased efficiency of individuals and institutions in
the area of human communication and information management, both on macro level
and on micro level, may be referred to as language
crisis or communication crisis.
It may be advisable to associate the notion of language crisis with the inability to use the resources of a
language in order to achieve desired objectives in communication, rather than
with destructive processes within the language itself. In cases when said
inability is conditioned by causes other than improper use of language
resources, the notion of communication
crisis may be applied.
Correct causal and consequential relationships need to be established
between the shift of the world order towards its multipolar state, ability of
individuals and institutions to achieve desired objectives in their
communications, and efficiency of languages that individuals and institutions
are using.
Certain scientific efforts are required to determine whether the changes
in languages that occur on the current stage of their development are indeed
indicating a language crisis or are a
normal phenomenon that accompanies the evolution of languages.
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