Inspiratione Mea

(a lyrics twist on OneRepublic’s Secrets)


Inspiratione mea,

beatus eram de te videre iterum.

Poenitet me quod hoc

non possum te videre

et loquere tecum frequenter.


You’ve been my inspiration;

I still find you in my dreams.

Yet we’ve been separated,

And I have hardly seen you since.


But I so wish you would know:

You are the one that I miss.

Without a single hello,

Cards I cannot send you,

Words I cannot tell you –


Read it in the stars above,

Listen to the songs of love,

And if it is not enough,

Feel it in the breeze caressing your face.



It doesn’t matter where you are,

I’ll always carry you within my heart;

With every thought, I am touching your soul.


One day,

A tune will reach you on your way,

And you will recognize a certain name

Among the chords dedicated to you.

